from: anonymouswhat reliable sources are we talking about?? o.O coz I've been following ss501 and i didn't hear hyunjoong say anything about a present girlfriend. all i know is about his ex, which he talked about on yashimmanman episode 191? he met her at meat shop and since then came back just to see if she's there. then they started going out but broke up before his debut as an SS501 member.
dear joongboers:
sori to burst your bubbles but according to some very reliable sources, HJ have a girlfriend and they are still dating. and no it's not HB. HJ's girlfriend's name is LEE YUNHA. and nope she's not a celebrity. now you're wondering since when are they together? well..they've been together before BOF. so that means they're together even WGM days. HJ can deny it like a thousand times..but it's true. besides, HJ's doing this to protect the girl. so between HJ and HB..cant and will not ever happen. it's just work, nothing personal.
He mentioned on a newsen report last 020708 “I don't have a girlfriend right now after I broke up with my ex girlfriend. We have so much activities in Korea and also Japan that I can only focus on music for now." So that means he didn't have a girlfriend during wgm filming.. ^^;;
i'm really not sure if this girl right here is the "lee yunha" you're talking about, but netizens said that she is indeed an ex girlfriend of hyunjoong.

I'm really not sure though, coz I kinda forgot about this picture xDDD
BUT if you really do have information about Hyunjoong's relationship with Lee Yunha, please show us these reliable sources you're talking about. :)
..and also I was reading all the comments I missed earlier, and something caught my attention - about why do we keep on linking Hyunjoong & Hwangbo's present activites? why can't we just like them separately?
Well.... I love them as Hyunjoong and Hwangbo. Why do I follow news about them if I'm not a fan of them? o.o Hyunjoong and Hwangbo are great people, i love their music, and them personally.
BUT this isn't a blog just for just Hyunjoong or just Hwangbo.
This is a ssangcho blog...^^;;
This isn't named "ssangchu heaven" for nothing, right?
So if I see they said something, did something, that reminds me of Joongbo, I will say it. I love linking their activities together. ^^;;; I like seeing that they both kinda changed each other's lives after wgm. (Hyunjoong is not a little boy anymore isn't he?)
Even if their last episode aired about a year ago, there's a lot of things that still kept me saying, man, they look good together.. and i still can't get over that!!
..this is me reminiscing about the joongbo days. it's like a my favorite book that i keep on reading over again because it's so good.. but, the major difference is that this story had just begun. :)
Well.... I love them as Hyunjoong and Hwangbo. Why do I follow news about them if I'm not a fan of them? o.o Hyunjoong and Hwangbo are great people, i love their music, and them personally.
BUT this isn't a blog just for just Hyunjoong or just Hwangbo.
This is a ssangcho blog...^^;;
This isn't named "ssangchu heaven" for nothing, right?
So if I see they said something, did something, that reminds me of Joongbo, I will say it. I love linking their activities together. ^^;;; I like seeing that they both kinda changed each other's lives after wgm. (Hyunjoong is not a little boy anymore isn't he?)
Even if their last episode aired about a year ago, there's a lot of things that still kept me saying, man, they look good together.. and i still can't get over that!!
..this is me reminiscing about the joongbo days. it's like a my favorite book that i keep on reading over again because it's so good.. but, the major difference is that this story had just begun. :)
hey guys, thank you so much for the comments!! i just read all of them and i didn't know my reply would have this much response ^^ i wish i can reply to all of them, but you all know i love you and i appreciate everything! thank you for the support!!!
joongbo fighting! joongboers fighting!
happy holidays~~
clap, clap!!!! SH, well said!!! Love you!!!
Why would they visit your blog (Obviously Ssangchu's Blog) if they don't think Ssangchu is potentially a couple??
perhaps, she is his's first love. why not hwangbo and huynjoong farewell in WGM show when time come.
They decided stay show with new couple.I think them felling together.
The comment was a bit harsh but i love your reply the most. And the most important thing is, I love this little treasure of yours very much. Fighting!
*bows down* nicely said.
i mean, we know the possibilities even if our fantasy is overwhelming.
but this is it. i am here, a joongboer, to follow HJ's and HB's activities because i am HOPING that one day, they will be together...because i have a GOOD reason to believe.
i remain a believer.
TO THE WORLD (and beyond)
excellently put, SH!!
thank you for keep posting on HJ and HB activities. oh how much i'm hoping to see them together again on variety shows.
and yes, they look very good together!!
altough most of the times, i thought i'm crazy believing in a variety couple which show ended a year ago, there always things that drawn me to believe 'yes, they might be together'.
one of them is Mal's constant teasings of HJ (aegyo imitation, get hot dance), which was totally hilarious.
again, thank you SH. Keep posting on our couple.
to the world!!
Nicely put! *applauds*
My solute to SH!
Well said!
to the world ^_^
.........nobody knows just dream, believe, and have hope, faith, and love everythings gonna be just fine.
very well said, sh! - charmed
very well said, sh! - charmed
@ SH: very well said.
regarding the picture of HJ's with girlfriend(?), looks like this its not a recent photo. he looks so young there. if this is his present gf, why cant they show a new picture of him with this girl. anywayz, still welcome this kind of comments because it adds color to our joongbo world! like i said, unless both HB and HJ admit together that they are not an item anymore/at all, i will keep on believing. it will not make them less popular if they do. more so, i think people will love them more.. so this is a challenge to both of them..
*90-degree bow to SH*
this rumor is soooo old already.
if one is a new fan, you will really be overwhelmed..
but this rumor regarding "Lee YunHa" is soo 1960s
you can even search it on the net..
this came out when SS just debuted.
well maybe, this is really HJs ex girlfriend..
but like HJ said in one of his interviews (SS501 1st story DVD).. he broke up with his gf just before they promoted "Warning" which is their debut song.
and he said that he can't do anything about it.. "Since it ended, nothing matters now"..
I doubt it if HJ was in a relationship during WGM.
First of all, the ultimate WGM rule is to be single. (except ofcourse, Jung Hyung Don who broke the rule during WGM season 2 with TaeYeon)..
and i don't think HJ will agree on doing the show if he has a Girlfriend even if he was just forced by DSP to do it..we all know HJ's personality.. he's very stubborn. if he really has a GF during that time.. he wouldn't be too serious and be too nice to HB.. we all know that during the course of the filming of WGM..HJ had a lot to go through. going back and forth from Japan to Korea just to film the week's episode with HB.. having an overdose with sleeping pills on the day before their filming (fake farewell epi)..dealing with the BOF casting meetings and stress with the whole acting thing (as stated by HJ on episode 37)..
What are we going to do with all these antis. *sigh*
They really have nothing to do huh.
Just plain old joongbo haters.
Why do they visit threads and blogsites about ssangchu anyway.. if they don't really like them.
just to criticize..
I know that some JoongBo Angels are disappearing. and now, some are being too mean with either HB or HJ... too much bashing., like as if they have never loved the ssangchu couple a year ago. like they never fell head over heels with JoongBo playing in their own little world.
If you remember my past comments, i've said too much already..kekekkek. ive always said that we never know what's going on with them. no one knows what's the real score. so stop judging and being too hard on our couple.
and oh yes. they do look perfect for each other.
even if i count all the reasons why HJ and HB may not be together.. from the age gap to the ANTIs..
but i can also go on forever, counting all possibilities and spazz worthy things that still makes me believe. and the HOPE that this "fake-married" couple will be a reality.
SsanchuHeaven Hwaiting!
JoongBo Mansae!
dear SH, well done n bravo....
That's correct, SH! I am also a Big fan of HJ & HB, i can't stop loving and looking forward of their promise that they will see and meet each other in London. As far as my feeling is concerned, i am hoping for the fulfillment of that promise. keep on posting about them!!!Looking forward for more, he he he!
i also love them as ssangcho couple...not just hwangbo or just hyunjoong...
I agree....Lots of us love them just as themselves...Hwangbo and HyunJoong...seperately....but when they are makes us love them even more...hoping that they are together as a couple or even just friends..there's nothing wrong with it...we are not harming anyone with this thought..we are just keeping our spirits up...and this blog does the same thing...its a heaven where we are able to keep our hopes up..ii love this place...
I don't get it why the fans of these individuals have to be the "anti"...don't they care about the happiness of their love one??? Kind of confused...this kind of love is too selfish ..and what a pity if ones have to abandon their true destiny coz' of these narrow-minded anti...
Dear SH...
*Hugs* *Hugs* ... ^^ Totally agree with you!!
i am behind u like 100000%!!!!
4eveR JoongbO!!!!
some times people are just damn stupiD! rite?? for god sake...ur bLOg is SsAngchu heaVEN!!!!
of coz its abouT theM!! and anything reminded about them 2getheR!!!! wHOM ever gaVe u thAt silly Q is like...herm...ARe they dumB? kekeke...sory but i think they kinda!! kekeke....whAt eVer they all say...i stiLL and 4 eVEr LOVe HJ and HB!!! anD stiLL like 10000% like them if they are reaL coupLE!! joongbo?! 4 EVER!! i miss seing them 2gethER!! kekeke..
well done SH !
Who is this person convincing that there is no possibility bet. our couple ? herself or the Joongboers ??? can't help but comment ...
Anyways , I love JoongBo together and individually ... They are the reason why I got hooked with the Korean entertainment , and studied Korean bec. of them ...
I love your blog , SH !
JoongBo fighting ! We miss you !!!!! IS is too much to ask you two to be together again in one show this Christmas ??? all I want for this Christmas is JoonGbo in a show together ...
Merry Christmas SH !! and to all JoongBoers around the world !!
Thanks goodness I read all your comments above and that made me feel better because at first I saw the picture and went "NOOOO!" For some weird reason! A sudden thought popped into my mind, "Why is his arm around her?" But Then I saw it says LEE YUNHA and I was like, "So that his ex-..."PLUS, Well said SH!
Ye.. I agree with you SH! =))
I love HJ and HB both, but them being together makes me love them more than ever.. it gives me a feeling that I've never felt before. And only when I'm seeing them together, or when I'm in Ssangchu heaven, then I can feel it, and believe..
Thank you for giving us this beautiful dream and heaven SH =)
Joongbo forever!
I was just scanning through google and found this picture. Some of you may seen it before but for the ones who haven't see it go and look at it. Is it just me or Hyun Joong is having a shy smile or the way he smiles when he is with Hwangbo?
Sorry ssangchu heaven I know it doesn't have anything to do with his ex gf in this post but joongboers are awesome!!
hello Ssangchu!
I agree with you! and who cares with that ex-gf?
What we care about is HwangBo... after all this is a JoongBoer site not Hyunjoong and Ex-Gf site!
>>Peace to the anonymous sender! thanks for your info, but we trust leader so much!
Love ya all!
Ssangchu, can i have a copy of this photo? just for my collection :)
Thanks and more power to Ssangchu Heaven!!!
JoongBo Fighting!!!
I don't think his ex name is Lee Yunha, the comment was referring to another girl. His ex-gf had the same last name as him. He mentioned in an interview that part of the reason they broke up is because they were too close in the family tree.
This blog is for people who are fans of joongbo. Although it might seem a lil far fetched for some ppl, we believe in this couple and its all that matters.
i don't know what to say or thinking i'm just like them together so what??? and we love them right??? that is it...
fighting joongboers and of course joongbo too fighting we are by your side okay ~__^
No fightin. pls.Peace. we love Hj and so Hwangbo. Whatever or whoever, they choose, let them be....
hey Ssangchu Angels!
cheer up! no need to fear!
Rudolph is Here!
*taken @ SS501 HK Persona Concert (12.12.09)
im not an anti or whatever! but u can choose to believe whatever you wanna believe! BUT! WHAT i"M SAYING IS TRUE! My friend is the cousin of HJ. so if u dont wanna belive me then fine. whatever! hahaha.
and oh..that girl in the picture IS NOT LEE YUNHA!
and you think we are dumb enough to believe that you're friend is really HJ's cousin..
alright then...if that's the case..
i'm HJ's cousin's friend too.
show us the proof then.
or better yet..
stop spoiling and destroying this little own world of ours. it's our only haven for our JoongBo couple..
and your creating all these riff again.
Our heads are held up high.
You wanna bring us down?
I dare you to try.
Maybe your right that he is dating this Lee Yunha...The point is what gives you the right to come to this blog knowing that it is dedicated to Joongbo fans? We are all entitled to our opinions but you could have shared your ideas in other forums. We have our faith and hope and this site allows us to express that. Our views and opinions might be far fetched to others but that's why we come here. If you don't believe that's fine but convey it somewhere else.
Weee! SH I'm sooo glad you spoke up. I've said this before and I'm going to say it again, please keep this sight no matter what happens. Much much thanks! :)
@anon who said she's not an anti or whatever: i think u crossed the line, you should not have left comments like that on this blog. maybe you should consider this advice and take it rather seriously, WE DO OUR THING, AND YOU DO YOURS...why visit this blog in the 1st place??!!...hehe
@SH, please continue feeding our addiction!! and thanks for speaking up!!! we love you!!!
love ur reply ..
hope you'll keep on updatin this blog of ours...
this blog is ultimately for ssangchoo couple lovers...hehe..
hope those who dont wont meddle in wif our territory....
hi5 to all ssanghu lovers...
i still believe until they both saoid the opposite...
to the world..hehehe
To SH, thanks for making this blog the way it is for the past year. It is where we, Joongboers can know about news regarding Joongbo. I guess we are just happy to know their lastest news and work.
For those people not concerning about Joongbo, pls pls... do not flood this blog with unrelated matters. Thanks.
juneone0601 said...
Im an ultimate joongbo believer...
My love for these 2 people has transcended fm that of a folower of them as a couple, to the kind of individual they are & had become after they'd been in that fated show..throng of joongboers was born..
But, have u ever gave it a thought on how u wud take it IF one fine day,they indeed admit that they are in love,or worse,is getting married to somebody else?? My take? I wud continue loving them..Wud continue supporting them the way a true fan shud be..
I agree with all of you guys who support not only Hwangbo or Hyun Joong but Both. How can we have Ssangchu Heaven if it's only related to one person?...
Nevertheless, I'm really tire this few days and decided to rewatch the whole joongbo cuts again and noticed a lot of things that I had never notice before. Um... I don't know if I heard this wrong but hyun joong actually asked hwangbo in English "are you okay BABY?"
Her's the proof @
* Listen carefully!!!
Also,for this other website his looks at 2:48 is something alright! Tell me what you guys think for the one who already saw this I hope at least it brings back memory! :)
There are also more if you are willing to rewatch and you definitely see it, just follow hyun joong eyes, face expressions, and hands movements!!!!
Sorry for the long post SH but I'm tired of talking about Hyun Joong's gf!!! Seriously!
Oh, I forgot to post the website for the second reason at 2:48!!!
Sorry about that guys!
It is @
"My friend is the cousin of HJ. so if u dont wanna belive me then fine."
yeah right..
im HJ cousin too then, nop, im HJ himself!
how bout that..
and wow, HJ cousin friends IP adress is not from Korea,,
You Go Girl! Nicely said!
If your friend is Hyun Joong's cousin then ask her post a picture of her and hyun joong up here together for us to see. If she is really is then I bet she would be the one to do the bragging not You! Come on I would like to see some proves, if you don't have it just stop with your lying right here.
As for the supporter above talking IP address, can I ask what you mean when you said "HJ cousin friend IP adress is not from Korea."?
Hi, SH.. thanks for nice said,we will keep support our dear couple no matter what happened... let's ignore those anti's, we know that we cannot please them,so the best thing that we must do is to keep holding on with our faith ...
hope to read more updates of our dear SSangchu couple.. GOD BLESS!
the picture's date is 2004.12.25 right?
so HJ really is telling the truth that they were together and just broke up just before their debut which is 2005.06.08.
SsangchuHeaven jjang~
This LEE YUNHA girl is REALLY dating him?? she's a trainee at DSP right? lol that's wat i heard ahaha. she like wanted to finish her studies in canada or whatever right? i'm not like 100% sure on the whole thing just saying lol!
its just becuz this girl has been popping up every where for like the past 5 years and i remember seeing some video of jungmin teasing hyun joong that him and her were 'dating' but he was just joking~ i think LOL i don't really know if its true, and that interveiw of KHJ saying the name 'lee yunha' he could have been wanting to say something else i'm kind of on the fence for this one...LOL just telling you what i think ahah.
I hope this topic will come up in a KHJ interveiw soon and then he can answer it and it'll ALL be cleared up!
But whatever as long as he's happy with the LEE YUNHA girl, lee hyori, hwang bo or anyone else!!
well said~~ love joongbo!!
i think its rude to talk about Lee Yunha on a ssangchu couple blog. i found a lee yunha kim hyun joong blog here the link:
talk about it there instead of getting the hb and hj fans mad.
this pic is sooo lame n 90's...
but why my heart ache whenever i saw this pic? :'(
i wonder how HB unnie felt when she saw this... i hope HJ already explain bout this to her...
i HATE those antis soooo much!
I think there names go well together Hyun Joong Yun Ha~~~ I hope there really together~
No way!
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The way he talked about his exgirle firend seem like he really loved her so if they get back to toghter i will be happy for him and she seem like nice girl i like her
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as long as they are happy together i like Lee YUnha
leeyunha+kimhyunjoong forever! FIGHTING
sadly, this world is full of sick people... reality must really be so harsh on these people that they'd rather pull pathetic acts to get attention. like shouting KHJ+whoever-ex-joongboers-don't give-a-damn-about. no offense to Yunha, but really, if HJ's dating her, poor her. Wae? HJ can't even protect her from antis the way he protected HB! poor ex!
and for that anonymous-i'm-friend-of-HJ's-cousin, girl do you even listen to yourself? what's a friend of HJ's cousin doing in someone else's blog screaming for attention? piece of advice dear: sleep well and dream on! while you're at it, tell HJ's cousin i said hi! ooops. that is, if he'll appear in your dreams. hurhur!
another advice, dear anon: change your writing style. it gets obvious you're the same sick girl stalking joongbo sites.
and if you're too good at claiming HJ is dating this Yunha girl, then why don't you lay down your cards? we need more than just rumors. but again, rumors are all you have, right? if you think Joongboers are pathetic believing that HJ+HB exists, then we're on the same boat. we don't have evidence, so do you. the difference is that HJ+HB has lots (thousands, even!) supporters all over the world. whereas Yunha+HJ only has you? and who else? HJ's cousin? pwahaha
get some sleep girl.
you need it.
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Me and my friend were arguing about an issue similar to this! Now I know that I was right. lol! Thanks for the information you post.
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С подругой сообща вот уже 10 лет. Очень близкие отношения. Уже были, наверно...Хорошо знаю ее семью.У моей подруги есть брат, я с ним нормально общаюсь. Не друзья, но НГ 2010 встречали, к примеру, с ним и его девушкой.
Где-то в середине лета мне мама сказала: "А ты знаешь, К. (брат подруги Н.) женится,мне ее мама сказала, тебе Н. еще не говорила?". Я была удивлена, так как вполне вероятностей заявить эту радостныю новость было масса. Учитывая, что про всех наших общих знакомых, коих я видела раза 2, я узнавала от Н. незамедлительно на моменте подачи заявления и первых месяцев беременности. Мама меня подхлестнула, сказав :вот видишь, какая твоя Н. подруга. ..
Я решила терпеливо дожидаться, когда я узнаю об этом...
Сегодня позвонила, хотела взять карточку в Летцаль. На вопрос: что делаешь?, Н. ответила игривым голосом: "А я у брата на свадьбе!". В моем голосе не слышно было веселья, когда я сказала:" А ясно, мои поздравления, не буду отвлекать". Она мне начала говорить, когда у нее выходной, но мне было все точно еще, я знала, потерял свой блеска подругу...
Она меня не предавала. Но я знаю, что молчала она специально. Боялась, что я обижусь, что меня не пригласили? Но с чего бы я обязана обижаться: он мой знакомый неплохой, но не друг. Пригласили бы-пошла, нет-значит нет. Она знает, что я адекватна в этих вопросах. Так отчего она мне ничего не сказала?
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