Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hyunjoong Soccer Match With Close Friends :D

 credit: nate + xinhm@hyunjoongchina + planethyun + fcmen + conightime

Actor-singer Kim Hyunjoong and group JYJ Kim Junsu’s ‘football fanatic’ photographic proof has been revealed. On the 9th midnight, Kim Junsu twin brother Kim JunHo revealed via his twitter their football team MEN’s group photo, and update the football match score: “Today’s game with stx won with 5 to 0. Junsu shot 2 goals. followed by JiHwan 1 goal, HanSul 1 goal, GyeongJong 1 goal” following that also mentioned the score with HS FC, recording Kim JunSu and Kim HyunJoong activeness in the game, saying: “The game with HS won with 5 to 3. JunSu 2 goals following by HyunJoong scoring 3 goals. I am playing defence, although didn’t hit any goal but running around to and fro and was really dead tired, wanted to go to bed immediately.” Netizen show their hot response and attention towards the group photograph and description. Trying to search for familiar face of Kim HyunJoong and Kim JunSu in the photograph. One netizen said: “The bottom most 2nd and 3rd seemed like Kim HyunJoong and JunSu, at his back is his brother Kim JunHo”.

In the photograph, the person being pointed out as Kim HyunJoong is wearing a hat which has covered his face so it is difficult to recognize him, but his high nose bridge nose reminds people of Kim HyunJoong. Twin brothers Kim JunSu and Kim JunHo also because of their identical looked and playful expression attracted attention.

Meanwhile, Kim HyunJoong and Kim JunSu’s celebrity football team MEN was founded on April 2010 together with Kim Bum, Song JongKi, Im JuHwan and friends. Kim Junsu is the captain of MEN.

Here'a a video :D Hyunjoong apparently scored 3 goals hehehe~

More pics!! wooot!


Lil' Sue said...

Waaaa...Song Joong Ki also there aka Park Young Ha...lols...Nice too see that they are doing great these days..

LvKprogram said...

How cute^^ HJ soccer cleats has PURPLE shoelaces ^_~