Wednesday, January 12, 2011

J.J.'s Corner....

Many of you guys have been anxiously waiting for J.J.'s fanfic, I must say, this story was well worth the wait.  So without much further ado.....

 "I'm Still Beautiful"

She smiles brightly and schools her face in an ever calm mask, although she feels anything but. She cares if her eyes convey the worry she feels and if the cameras would catch her at the right—wrong—moment and see into her soul. She is even more concern about the camera panning to her should he win the award. She cannot bring herself to care enough should he actually win than having seen him this close after two years.

Her former lover sits three—not even ten feet away—behind. After their passive-aggressive fall-out—witnessed by everyone—they have danced around each other. But it was inevitable that they meet again when they were in the same circle. It was a small, tight-knit, loose-lipped community. It was kind of like being in private high school perpetually.

As far as she knows she deserves her nomination, having hosted three programs this year. In fact, because of her, the viewership of a ready-to-be-canceled show shot up and became a hit. However, as to why he was even nominated she couldn’t fathom. He was a mediocre-at-best actor, only riding on the waves of his fame and appeal. But whatever, she was above being bitter and petty. Beauty is only an excuse for the young.

She lets out a sigh and peeks behind, at him. He is still beautiful, but not as gorgeous—raw—as she remembers fondly. He was more princely, pretty—ethereal—and she didn’t know how she felt about that change. His features were as schooled as hers. But his magnetic eyes were lifeless. That cut her deep.

She wanted to grab him and tell him to run. She wants to scream, tell him to screw his advisers and managers, and follow his dreams. But she wouldn’t do that because he was the one who left her, and she can’t because he’s no longer hers.

So what to do? She adjusted herself on the white chair and smiled brightly lest the cameras pan toward her. She didn’t have a lover but she had adulation. She didn’t have youth, but she had beauty and wisdom…and that, right now, was enough.

* "I just wanted to say this is part one of two. Please stay tuned. I'm trying to get through a writing brains got fried during the holidays :P" -J.J.


Anonymous said...

OMG. *tears*

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the next chapter!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I've been waiting...LOOVE it! Thank u!

Anonymous said...

Wow...and sitting behind her, I'm sure he's basking in her beauty.

meme said...

J.J.:maybe I should wait when you're done writing post these fanfics...all the waiting might kill us =p Thanks again for taking time out to write for us here at SH. You are greatly appreciated!!

Miss J said...

thank you guys! The next chapter will be in "his" point of view.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing your gift with us. like buinie said " it's amazing how you can move a person with just words..." or something like that. we'll be waiting for more...

Anonymous said...

You write so beautifully. More, more, more...

(when you have time of course. :P)