I'm pretty sure a lot of you are familiar with Hwangbo's fanart since it's all over baidu xD
That outfit is killer!!!!!
Also, Hyunjoong's art is from the awesomest artist, roxie!!
I was so surprised when I saw this since she mostly draws DBSK ^^
Beautiful, neh?

Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures.. I'm glad I found this site i miss them both terribly...
You're welcome... an thank you for reading the blog *w*~~~
i miss them too.. T___T
can u kindly translate what's written on the fansart..plzzzz
yes, thank you SH, i love the drawing of hwangbo with that sexy dress she wore when she n shillang received the award.. i wonder during that moment, what is HJ thinking of that sexy low cut dress ehehehe
Me too, miss them both sooooooo much, that's why I go to this website for any update about them or watched my fav episode on Ssangchu couple...
This is a very good pictures....
Yeah, what's Shillang thinking about HB's dress....He probably said " not again " hahaha...too bad he can't break the tv remote control this time....lol *__*
WoW....very beautiful.
Thanks for sharing
Thank God for this sanctuary for JoongBoers..,i've been always gloomy after their parting at WGM and can't function normally even at teaching (am an IT instructress - philippines) and now that ive found this.., much thanks to you.., will visit here everyday...
Thank God for this sanctuary for JoongBoers..,i've been always gloomy after their parting at WGM and can't function normally even at teaching (am an IT instructress - philippines) and now that ive found this.., much thanks to you.., will visit here everyday...
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